Israel is forever demonized by the forces of anti-semitism throughout the world. It is important to remember that this small nation (just slightly larger than the State of New Jersey) is surrounded almost entirely by enemies sworn to their extinction. Israel's supposed partner in the "peace process," the Palestinian Authority, has elected a government, Hamas, which is a terrorist organization and has in it's charter sworn to destroy Israel. Talk about being between a rock and a hard place. Luckily for the people of Israel, there are and have been uncompromising leaders - men and women - like Benjamin Netanyahu, Golda Mier and David Ben Gurion leading the way. Since the creation of the State of Israel in the wake of the holocaust and WWII, the Israelis have been attacked by coalitions of Arab nations - their neighbors - no less than three times, in 1948, 1967 and 1973. Each time, the Israelis prevailed. Each time, they were blamed and criticized. Against all odds, they have succeeded and built a beacon of freedom in a part of the world that knows little. It is incumbent on us, the greatest country the world has ever known to continue to support them. They are the good guys of the Middle East. Make no mistake about it. Watch the attached video by Michelle Bachmann, United States Representative from Minnesota. She is a courageous and patriotic woman. We could do a whole lot worse than to have her or someone like her as our President.
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