Separation of powers: the system established in the Constitution to give each branch a different responsibility for law in the United States and thus keep any one branch from becoming too powerful
Click here to read the fourteenth amendment.
So, now the same party who said that the Constitution doesn't matter (with regard to the Health Care debate, among other issues) is trying to misuse the Constitution to achieve their desires with regard to the Debt limit debate. Remember when they were accusing our last President of shredding the Constitution and trying to grow the Executive powers. In misreading the 14th amendment that is exactly what they are trying to do now. Bottom line on this debate can be found in one of the bedrock principles of our Founding document: Separation of Powers. See the diagram. It appears that the Founding Fathers were pretty clear on which branch controls the purse and makes laws. Hint: It wasn't the Executive.
Click here if you would like to know more about the debate.
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