Pictured is the controversial and courageous Dutch populist politician Geert Wilders. He was recently acquitted of inciting hatred of Muslims in a court ruling in the Netherlands. He is the most outspoken critic of Islam and immigration in the Netherlands and, quite possibly, the political world. The presiding judge called Wilders's remarks "hurtful," "shocking" and "offensive," but said that they were made in the context of a public debate about Muslim integration and multi-culturalism, and therefore not a criminal act. Unbelievable that this case ever made it to Court. Since when in a free world were we not permitted to make statements that are "hurtful," "shocking" and "offensive?" Wilders was not slandering an individual. He was voicing opinions about Islam - which has become a sacred cow of sorts. It's fine to make derogatory comments about Catholicism and Judaism in this Brave New World, but criticize Islam and you could go to jail for it. This was a clear cut victory for free speech and for freedom, in general, but we must be on our guard against further attacks in the courts and otherwise. Wilders, for his part, has probably gained some political power from this decision, but he is still under guard 24 hours a day because of death threats that originate from one of the world's "peaceful" religions.
Read this for more information.
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