How could those peace-loving do-gooders of the Gaza flotilla be considered a “bad guy?” All they’re trying to do is bring much-needed relief to the poor, oppressed citizens of Gaza, right? Wrong! Read this article by Mario Loyola of National Review Online to learn the cold, hard truth about these law-breaking useful idiots of the enemy. Here are just a few tidbits from the article for those who don’t have time to read the whole thing (hopefully not because they are too busy watching reality television).
- -The people of Gaza get plenty of international charity. Any and all humanitarian aid can get to Gaza by simply going through an Israeli checkpoint to ensure there are no dangerous items.
- -The Israeli blockade is legal under International law and has been endorsed by Egypt, the Palestinian Liberation Organization, the European Union and the United Nations Security Council.
- -Hamas, a terrorist organization, is the government of the Palestinian Authority. These so-called peace activists (especially the Americans among the group) may be committing felonies by providing “material support or resources” to a foreign terrorist organization.
- -Hamas has officially endorsed the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a key foundational document of 20th century racism and totalitarianism linked to Hitler and his evil regime. This is the evil organization to whom these young “peace-activists” and humanitarians are providing aid and comfort.
- As President Bush said in the aftermath of the attacks of 9/11, “You’re either with us or against us.” The Gaza flotilla crowd falls into the second category. Bad Guys!
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