Saturday, July 30, 2011

Important Current Event - Debt Ceiling Debate

For the second week in a row, this is the news story that most "adults" are watching closest. The country's real conservatives are all over the map on this one. Speaker of the House, John Boehner, has presented at least a couple of different plans to address this issue and he got enough votes to get one of them through the House - only to be voted down unceremoniously by Harry Reid and his ilk in the Senate. The Republicans who are voting against the Boehner plan want deeper budget cuts and they want them now, now, now. They also want a Balanced Budget Amendment - and their obstinacy and principles forced Boehner to accede to their wishes for a vote on a Balanced Budget Amendment in the latest roll-out of his Bill (the one that passed on Friday). The Dems who are voting against Boehner's bill aren't sure what they want, but it isn't fiscal discipline. Some of them (most) want higher taxes on the "wealthy" who are already paying the large percentage of the bills. All of them are playing politics with the debt ceiling, trying to figure out a way to make the Republicans look bad. Whose fault is it that we have a bunch of petulant children representing us in our Representative Government? Ours, of course. Or at least those of us who believe that we should exercise our right to vote, but don't believe that we should take time away from reality TV to get informed about the important issues facing our country. I am being way too gracious here. I am using the collective us and we when I don't really intend to include myself in the ill-informed, misinformed group of voters who are responsible for the mess we are in. If we want to be represented by adults, we have to act like adults when we go to the polls. Get informed. Start with the Constitution. Now, back to the ongoing debate. Here are some good articles to help get you informed. Thomas Sowell supports the Boehner plan. Andy McCarthy doesn't. Both are way smarter than me. I'll go with the wisdom of Thomas Sowell on this one, but I'll also say keep chargin' Tea Party!

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